Murray River Golf courses over three of Australia’s states come with a
wonderful reputation, and you will not be disappointed with the three exceptional Riverland courses chosen for this event. The Riverland area is situated close to the SA – VIC border in the east of South Australia and is on the major road route between Adelaide and Sydney being the Sturt Highway.
You are invited to come on a road trip to enjoy a week of golf and enjoy the pleasures that the region will offer you. The region portrays the Murray River at its best with smooth waters and unbelievable scenery, where you will see wonderful aquatic birdlife and wildlife reinvigorated by the recent high river levels. Houseboats and water sports are popular in the region with opportunities to cruise, paddle or sail the waters of the Murray, tributaries, and backwaters. The river brings life to a very fertile agricultural region which has the reputation of being Australia’s largest wine production area and the fruit and nut bowl of South Australia. The region is home to many national wine producers as well as boutique wineries, distilleries, and breweries. So, come and partake some of the best wines, food and produce in Australia.
The 2024 Australian Veteran Golfing Championship will be managed by Veterans Golf South Australia in conjunction with the Riverland Veterans Golf Association.
Your AVGU Championship 2024 Event Committee now advises that the Event has reached capacity and that entries are now closed. Late entries may now only be accepted at the discretion of the event committee. See the contact page on this website.
The AVGU and VGSA invites members of affiliated Veteran Golfer Associations throughout Australia to come to to participate in the 2024 AVGU Championships.
4 Ball Better Ball Medley Stableford
54-hole Stroke Championship with concurrent Stableford Competitions.
Relax on the mid-week Rest Day Tours and investigate the Riverland region.
Soak up the Riverland lifestyle and hospitality in the all-inclusive Social Program for golfers, partners and friends.
Optional tours and Presentation Dinner
and above all
Enjoy some of the best wines, food and produce in Australia
Latest News & Information
Start planning your road trip to the Riverland now and select from many Accommodation options in the region.
Registrations will close on 31st August 2024
If Looking Good on the Golf Course is Always a Challenge
Find your size here and add to your Entry form
The MiScore App on Your Phone
The MiScore app creates great efficiencies for you and the AVGU event to collate the golf scores of 360 players at the end of each day’s play.
Please consider adding the MiScore app to your phone and help us out!
Don’t worry though, some manual scorecards (old school) will still be available at this
event if you are technologically challenged.
More information is available here.
Link to MiScore information page
I am a Non-Playing Attendee only wish to attend some of the social program functions rather than the package deal.
The event organising committee will treat this as a non-standard registration (NSR). Tell us what functions you wish to attend with an email to
admin@avguchampionship2024.com.au with NSR in the subject line.
Provide your First Name, Last Name, email address, Mobile phone number, any dietary requirements, and name of accompanying golfer or person. For a NSR there is a $25 Administration fee in addition to the cost of the selected social program functions.
When your email is received, we will cost out your selected social program items and get back to you with a total. Once approved by you, we will email an invoice to you. Registration for your selected social functions will not be made until payment (card only) is received.
Cart Hire cost– all motorised carts will be hired on a share basis at $20 per person per day. The cost of hiring the cart is payable before the event when your entry and registration is made on the website.
The options you are able to select on the entry form are :
Yes – on all days as it is a priority for medical reasons – total cost $80
Yes – on all days only if sufficient carts are available – total cost $80
Yes- on alternate days only if sufficient carts are available -total cost $40
No cart required – total cost $0
Presentation Dinner only - Can I just attend the Presentation Dinner on Friday night and how do I pay?
Complete the Non-Playing Attendee Registration form under the entry header and nominate your attendance at the Presentation Dinner. You will be able to make payment when the completed form is submitted (by credit card or direct bank credit).
I only wish to attend a Wednesday (Rest Day) tour and no other events.
Complete the Non-Playing Attendee Registration form and only nominate your attendance at the Wednesday tour of your choice.
You will be able to make payment when the completed form is submitted (by credit card or direct bank credit).
I am unable to play in the 4BBB on Monday due to late arrival. Do I still have to pay the full event fee of $260?
Email the event committee admin@avguchampionship2024.com.au
A revised entry cost will be calculated as a Non-Standard Registration (NSR) and we will advise the payment arrangements.
I will not be at the Welcome and Registration BBQ on Sunday 20 th October. How do I get my registration pack and lanyard?
Your registration pack and lanyard will be available for you to pick up at the 4BBB golf event on Monday.
I am not a current member of a Veteran’s Golfing Association.
Please refer to the terms and conditions of the National Championship.
Entry is open to male and female amateur golfers over the age of 55 years as at the commencement of the tournament who are financial members of a veterans group affiliated with the AVGU and have a current GA Handicap.
After completing the Registration and Entry on the website, I did not receive an email of my Entry Submission with Entry ID number at the top of the page.
Check your credit card or bank account to see if a payment has progressed, and then contact the event committee by email.
The Registration Officer will check correct receival of your entry and you will be advised to re-submit if necessary. It may be just an email problem, but best to check with us.
I wished to pay by Direct Bank Deposit but did not record the BSB or Account number instructions at the final step of submitting my Entry and Registration form.
Contact the event committee by email, admin@avguchampionship2024.com.au and we will provide you with the banking details. They will not be published here or on the website pages for security reasons.